Was this scene the direct inspiration for Johnny Cab?
- Johhny Cab, A self-driving car! With a snappy personality! Johnny’s got a lot of potential, but ultimately falls short of greatness; he’s installed in a pretty weak car, he’s not much of a getaway driver, and leaving without paying means — he’ll explode.[2]
- Robert Picardo played the voice and his face was used as the model for Johnny Cab.[1]
- Johnny Cab is an automated taxi service, consisting of small self-driving vehicles piloted by an integrated conversational android that acts on passenger voice commands. Much like a human taxi driver, “Johnny” will whistle tunes and engage in small talk during the ride, and is even capable of expressing emotional states.[3] The concept of Johnny Cab was inspired from the taxi “robot driver of the cab” in Philip K. Dick’s short story (1966), We Can Remember It for You Wholesale.
The robot driver of the cab (a Johnny Cab) as depicted in Philip K. Dick’s short story (1966), "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale", (Page 8). Note: Quail is the original last name of Douglas Quaid.